It’s summer time! What to do in Béziers Méditerranée?


It’s summer time! What to do in Béziers Méditerranée?

Whether you’re a tourist or not, summer is all about festivities! So we’ve put together a list of our top picks for you to make sure you don’t miss out. In Béziers, do as you please Here you are! The oldest city in France… with over 2,700 hours of sunshine a year! We’ll tell you […]

15 perfect picnic spots!


15 perfect picnic spots!

In Béziers Méditerranée, you’re bound to find the perfect spot for a picnic. We’ve put together a list of 15 great places to relax and enjoy a picnic during the summer. Who said the city wasn’t picnic-friendly? The Plateau des poètes, Béziers’ green lung Béziers has plenty of perfect spots for picnics with family, friends, […]

Discover the beaches of Béziers Méditerranée!


Discover the beaches of Béziers Méditerranée!

Do you want to come on holiday to the seaside but don’t know where to go for a swim? I’ve got the solution for you! Béziers Méditerranée has plenty of beaches that are easily accessible and enjoyable for everyone. From Valras-Plage to Sérignan-Plage, let me introduce you to them! Valras-Plage the central beach Valras-Plage is […]

Valras-plage: holidays accessible to all


Valras-plage: holidays accessible to all

You’re looking for a holiday destination and your first criterion is accessibility. And that’s just as well, because Valras-Plage is a destination that is sensitive to this issue, and many improvements have been made. Come and discover them with us! Getting to Béziers Méditerranée Béziers Méditerranée is very easy to get to from Béziers Cap […]

Coques de Saint-Aphrodise recipe

Culture, Gastronomy

Coques de Saint-Aphrodise recipe

New Year’s Eve has come and gone, and now we’re heading for Epiphany. So why not share with us the recipe for the most famous brioche in Béziers: the Coque de Saint-Aphrodise. Saint Aphrodisius gave Béziers a legend, basilica, animal mascot (camel) and signature bake: a classic local speciality. Traditionally, we eat the signature buns […]

Family afternoon of history and food

Heritage, History and legends

Family afternoon of history and food

When term starts again here, it feels like you’re on holiday every Wednesday and weekend (that’s right, no school on Wednesday in France)! Running short on ideas for a family outing? Join Christelle, Thierry, Sasha and Clément to see all that Béziers has to offer! Travel back in time at the Roman Arena Did you […]

The cemetery of hidden gems

Heritage, History and legends

The cemetery of hidden gems

One not so sunny day (a rare thing in these parts) I said to myself: how about a trip to the old cemetery?! I grabbed my trusty Canon camera and headed out! I visited reception and a friendly face gave me a map to help me get my bearings and uncover the hidden gems! I […]

Recipe idea: Valras cuttlefish stew!

Culture, Festivities and traditions, Gastronomy

Recipe idea: Valras cuttlefish stew!

Cooking is all about spending quality time together. That said, it can be easy to run out of meal ideas when it comes to feeding the family. So here’s a local recipe for you to try: cuttlefish stew. My kids ask me the same question every day: “Mum, what’s for dinner? “ Lucas and Valentin […]

Bike paths: we “wheelie” do spoil you!

Nature, Sport

Bike paths: we “wheelie” do spoil you!

Do you want to test out, explore and soak up all the routes in and around Béziers Méditerranée? There’s a wide range of options from international “véloroutes” to loops covering a few miles of vineyard. 1- EUROVÉLO 8 OR THE MEDITERRANEAN ROUTE It covers 10.2km through Béziers Méditerranée from the 9 Locks to the edge […]

Béziers Méditerranée animal mascots

Culture, History and legends

Béziers Méditerranée animal mascots

Every town and village in Béziers Mediterranée has its own animal mascot: it’s an animal the village has made its symbol based on local legends, often dating back to the Middle Ages. Locals make a model in its likeness from wood and fabric. It appears at all the events, festivals and festivities paraded in all […]

Rainy day activities

Culture, Living environment

Rainy day activities

Yes, we’re in the South of France and the sun should always shine… but we do get the odd rainy day here too ! But there’s so much to do that a bit of rain doesn’t stop us enjoying ourselves in and around Béziers ! Running low on ideas ? Don’t worry, we’ve put together our top 7 rainy day […]

Fête de la Saint-Pierre in Valras-Plage

Festivities and traditions, Living environment

Fête de la Saint-Pierre in Valras-Plage

Valras-Plage celebrates the Mediterranean, fishermen and sailors on the last weekend of June every year. The traditional Saint Peter’s Day was made a full-blown festival in 2008 with the help of Guy Combes to become the event we know today with performances, night parades, fireworks, brass bands, peñas, water demonstrations and more. Secular events happily […]

“The tale of Compostela”, history lives on

Heritage, History and legends

“The tale of Compostela”, history lives on

Béziers is a stage on the Way of St James. Whether it be 1192 or the 21st century, experience the magic of our beautiful town. The year is 1192… Just picture it: a summer night in 1192. You and your exhausted group of pilgims drag your feet as you dream about a few hours’ rest. […]

We’ve tried it out for you: the Roman arena in augmented reality!

Activities, Heritage, History and legends

We’ve tried it out for you: the Roman arena in augmented reality!

Whether you feel more like a gladiator or a spectator, you can experience the Roman arena from every angle! The first remains of the Roman amphitheatre were uncovered in 1991 and lots of our schools went to watch the excavation work. When you’re 10, it’s hard to imagine that this place could have hosted an […]

A wreck turned artificial reef in Valras-Plage

Heritage, History and legends

A wreck turned artificial reef in Valras-Plage

You know all about the beach, ports and summer vibes ideal for family and friends in Valras-Plage. But did you know that it has its fair share of seafaring secrets too? Some of them are buried deep. An 80m Greek merchant ship called Le Mimosa lies on the Mediterranean seabed between Valras-Plage and Vendres. The […]

Do you speak biterrois ? Parlatz besierenc ?

Culture, History and legends, Living environment

Do you speak biterrois ? Parlatz besierenc ?

Bienvenue dans le pays Biterrois, où les mots de la “langue d’aqui” sont autant d’images et d’émotions riches, de véhicules d’une culture ancienne. Avis à tous les arrivants, estivants, nouveaux résidents à qui ce manuel linguistique de survie est dédié : tous ces mots, locutions, transpositions de l’occitan en “français du Languedoc” (ce qu’ici on […]

“Between the Orb and Aude” coastal path


“Between the Orb and Aude” coastal path

Explore the coastal path running through Valras-Plage from Esplanade Emile-Turco to Rue de Bretagne on the edge of Vendres-Plage. The second section of the “Between the Orb and Aude” coastal path, designed by the DDTM (Department for Land and Coastal Management) with the support of Valras-Plage Council, officially launched in late December 2017. It has […]

The world from a wheelchair

Handicap, Living environment

The world from a wheelchair

Disability fuels new experiences and everyone does things their way. Just take the Fonseranes 9 Locks in Béziers. Myriam and Pierre arrived at the Fonseranes 9 Locks car park on the last morning in June. This bubbly, funny couple with a love for life describe themselves as “a pair of para-able adventurers with a firm […]

The best spots to take photos by the sea !


The best spots to take photos by the sea !

You’re having a great holiday here and you want to show off our beautiful region to your family and friends when you get home. Turn them green with envy with your amazing holiday snaps. Let’s take a look at the best spots to take photos by the sea. Let’s start our tour with a stunning […]

Dive into Valras-Plage!


Dive into Valras-Plage!

Summer has come to Béziers Méditerranée! What better time than summer to check out all the water sports that Valras-Plage has to offer… Héloïse and me are your seaside travel consultants and we’ve tested out all the sea resort’s water sports for you: jet-skiing, permit-free sailing, banana boating and more. There’s something for everyone no […]

5 tips for eco-friendly holidays!


5 tips for eco-friendly holidays!

Béziers Méditerranée Tourist Information brings you its top 5 tips to have an eco-friendly holiday in our beautiful region. 1. Leave the car at home  It’s the holidays so it’s time to switch gear, slow down and take your time exploring our region. On foot: is there anything better than walking around such beautiful landscapes? […]

The Orb bridge-a recent structure that is already part of our heritage!

Culture, Heritage

The Orb bridge-a recent structure that is already part of our heritage!

The site was unveiled in 2017 to enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross the river safely and showcase a unique art installation. Lionel Laussedat is a world-renowned sculptor and resident artist at Château Vargoz. He works mainly on sculptures for public areas: he’s the brains behind Gaïa, the great whale on the Valras-Plage seafront! He […]

Bayou Canoë: Benjamin and Réuel, memory makers

News from the professionals, Profile

Bayou Canoë: Benjamin and Réuel, memory makers

“We’re trying to establish ourselves in the area, we don’t want to just take what we want then scram. We want to connect with people so that when the kids grow up, they’ll look back on their time with us as a fond childhood memory” : Benjamin Guignet and Réuel Cincotta, founders of Bayou Canoë, […]

In the footsteps of Saint Aphrodisius

Heritage, History and legends

In the footsteps of Saint Aphrodisius

Do you know a lot of camels in Occitanie? We’re often asked why there’s a camel’s head on the brass buttons studding the old town’s lanes. The question awakens our inner storyteller! The camel is Lou Camel! It’s Béziers’ animal mascot and we’re very proud of it! We get it out for big events, pamper […]

Top 5 things to do in spring

Nature, Sport

Top 5 things to do in spring

Get outdoors and explore Béziers Méditerranée in spring with family, friends, your loved one or on your own! The days are getting longer so it’s time to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle in Béziers Méditerranée! Here are our top 5 things to do in spring! 1. Explore the great outdoors on […]

Did you know that Béziers is the oldest town in France?

Culture, Heritage

Did you know that Béziers is the oldest town in France?

Who’d have thought that Béziers has been around for almost 2646 years? Digital makes life and communication far easier now but it looks like our Greek friends came to settle here for centuries despite not having any smartphones, planes and being 3000km away from us (on land). Archaeological digs between 1985 and 1986 under Place […]