The 06 March 2025


14 Rue du Puits de la Courte, 34500 BEZIERS

Mandatory reservation

A Latin poem of over 12,000 verses, the "Prædium Rusticum" or "Domaine Agricole" was written on the model of Virgil's "Georgics", by Jacques Vanière (1664-1739). With English and Italian translations, the work was distributed throughout Europe, and became known to Voltaire and even Louis XIV, who received Vanière at court and had a medal struck in his honor. It earned its author the name "French Virgil".

By Henri Barthes, majoral of the Félibrige, translator of Matfre Ermengau's "Bréviaire d'Amor" and Père Vanière's "Prædium Rusticum".
Organized by the Société Archéologique Scientifique et Littéraire de Béziers and the Musées de Béziers.



  • Cultural


06 March
Jeudi Open 18h
The establishment is closed during this period


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