The 16 October 2024

Guided tour

avenue des olympiades, 34500 BEZIERS

from 14h30 to 16h00

Mandatory reservation

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Bilingual French/Occitan tours accessible to all, to (re)discover our intangible heritage (tales and legends, poetry, recipes...) with all the flavour of Occitan words, sometimes untranslatable, sometimes very colourful, but always accurate and delicious... Interactive tours, where everyone can add their own word (in Occitan!) or tell their own story!

Aprèp la polida sason 2023/2024 de l?ASBH, venetz descobrir l?istòria del club e mai las colissas del estadi: vestiaris de domicili et visitaires, salas especificas, lòtjas? Aqui es Besièrs!
After ASBH?s great 2023-2024 season, come and discover the club?s history and the stadium?s backstage areas: home and away dressing rooms, specific rooms, dressing rooms? Aqui es Besièrs!

Prior booking essential, no ticket sales on site.



  • Cultural
  • Traditions and folklore


16 October
Mercredi Open from 14h30 to 16h
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période


Full rate 8 €
Reduced rate 6 €
Rate for children 6 €
Rates for subscribers 0 €

Means of payment

  • Credit card
  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Holiday vouchers (F)
  • Cash


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