


Young Alice discovered a bag of strange objects on the desk of her father, the archivist in Béziers.
He left her a note saying that he had discovered how to travel through time!
Little problem? her father has caused a space-time rift and is now stuck in time gone by?
Help Alice find her darling daddy!

Running time: 1h30
Ages 6 and up.

This treasure hunt can start at the tourist information office in the historic center of Béziers, or at the Maison de site 9 Ecluses.
In either case, start and finish at one of the two tourist information offices where kits are on sale.



From 01 July to 31 August
Mardi Open from 09h to 17h30
Mercredi Open from 09h to 17h30
Jeudi Open from 09h to 17h30
Lundi Open from 09h to 17h30
Vendredi Open from 09h to 17h30
Dimanche Open from 09h to 17h30
Samedi Open from 09h to 17h30
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période
From 01 October to 31 October
Mardi Open from 09h to 16h30
Mercredi Open from 09h to 16h30
Jeudi Open from 09h to 16h30
Lundi Open from 09h to 16h30
Vendredi Open from 09h to 16h30
Dimanche Open from 09h to 16h30
Samedi Open from 09h to 16h30
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période
From 01 November to 30 November
Samedi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Dimanche Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Vendredi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Jeudi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Mercredi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Mardi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Lundi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période
From 01 December to 31 December
Samedi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Dimanche Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Vendredi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Jeudi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Mercredi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Mardi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
Lundi Open from 10h to 13h and to 14h to 16h30
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période


3 €
1 €

Means of payment

  • Credit card
  • Cheques and postal orders (F)
  • Cash

Customer reviews