The 03 April 2025
44B Allées Paul Riquet, 34500 BEZIERS
The profile is a form of revelation. From the Italian Renaissance, when idealized silhouettes were drawn, to modern techniques of analysis and classification, the profile has always been a tool for interpretation.
Each portrait here is a game of double reading: both shaped and profiled. Shaped like a face by the brush, but also profiled, as we analyze a character, a mood, a fleeting madness. Who are these figures? Perhaps archetypes, projections, fragments of invented stories.
Through this gallery of profiles where surrealism upsets rigor, where humor dialogues with history, "Profilages" invites you to observe, suspect, imagine. Can you really identify someone at a glance? Or is it precisely between these sketched lines that the unexpected slips in?
After all, isn't relying on a profile just a bit of profiling?
Registration required.
- Cultural
03 April | |
Jeudi | Open 18h30 |