The 19 September 2024

Local animation, Exhibition

14 Rue du Capus, 34500 BEZIERS

"The Ostals building is a place composed of multiple layers of history that span the ages. The colorful walls, geometric and floral patterns, Mediterranean window coverings and stone staircase transport me out of time.

The Ostals are also frequented by archaeologists who wonder about the peculiarities of its architectural elements. But what particularly intrigues me is the question of the building?s colors. What trace of color can be found in the corner of a room? What era does it date from? Why is the pavement this color? What about the ceiling pattern? What would happen if I combined modern white porcelain in this hallway, or a trendy color next to this centuries-old wall?

In the South, who hasn't dreamed of a colorful window and an exotic plant?
During my stay in the Ostals, I want to transform myself into a color seeker, soaking up the warmth of this old Mediterranean town. I want to wander around the town, sketch, take photos and explore the colors of Béziers.

I'll be bringing with me a modest collection of my own work (porcelain, drawings, etc.), which I'll be integrating into the spaces of Les Ostals, in connection with my research into color."

Come and discover Shuling Liu's work



  • Cultural


From 12 September to 30 September
Samedi Open
Dimanche Open
Vendredi Open
Jeudi Open
Mercredi Open
Mardi Open
Lundi Open
L'établissement est fermé durant cette période


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